Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The SpaMobile Has Arrived! (Beep-Beep)

* Wood carving: As a woodcarver, I'm out of the art and craft world, and I have no background in the writing field whatsoever!

One afternoon, I drove past a bill-board with a cartoon-like picture of a silly octopus, which was an ad for Octopus Car Wash here in town. So, after seeing the bill-board, I wanted to carve a silly octopus, so that's what I did. I carved all nine pieces and glued them all together, and little did I know at the time, I was putting together my first "attention-getter," that I placed on top of my display at the arts and crafts shows I participated in over the years. My silly wooden octopus was on display at the Octopus Car Wash for a while.

* Imagination. This piece began the silliness in my wood carving days, in which I carved over 200 original pieces such as a lion sitting in a bathtub; a little black bear cub sitting in a red and white high chair; a flu bug sick in bed with the flu and the list went on and on. I sold just about everything I carved.

Website/email: When I built my website and got my email address, I knew my name would not be on either one. I wanted a "hook," an "attention-getter," something that would spark curiosity of people. I chose humordoctormd for my website and humor doctor for my email address. Now, I could build around these two words...laughter is the best medicine; humor can be dangerous to your illness, and so forth.

When I came on-line back in the Dark Ages (2003), I developed my "Getting Acquainted Expedition," and I went all over the Internet marketing my website. I would place the words "Getting Acquainted" in the subject line of the email, and I would always personalize the email, to stay away from spam, etc.

* House Call: The idea for my House Call, took its place, and now my emails contain the words, "House Call" in the subject line, and the humordoctor for the email.

* Spam: Back in the Stone Age (2004), I was trying to develop something for the word, "spam," because it is used so much all over the Internet, Week after week and month after month, I drew a blank. This search for an idea, was not a priority item, but I thought it would be fun, if I could come up with an idea! Three or four months went by and...and nothing but a blank page!

And, then one day...BINGO...three ideas came in for the word, "spam!" As you just read, the SpaMobile; the Spam-O-Gram and C-Spam, the politically incorrect network in Congress showing the daily government at work. (Test pattern/boring)

* Along The Bumpy Road of Life: (Orange Barrel Humor) I developed Orange Barrel Humor in 1996, as a marketing tool for my work here locally. The attention-getter is comprised of a bright orange envelope (business size), and all the contents in the letter are on bright orange paper! If this doesn't get your attention, I don't think anything will, etc. I'm now in the process of putting my display show together.

For me, there's no difference between wood carving and writing. That's because it's not the difference between wood carving and's about ideas and style. I took the same kind of chances in wood carving that I do now in website building and writing, etc.

Imagination; taking chances; hooks; attention-getters...sounds like a hit song in the making, doesn't it" Don't be surprised, if you receive an email one of these days with with the following words in the subject line, "The SpaMobile has arrived (beep-beep)" I think you'll know who it came from!

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